Our Organization
Our Organization
For the Betterment of Our People
The North Shore Mi'kmaq Tribal Council (NSMTC) provides service delivery, technical support, and capacity-building in water and waste management, housing and infrastructure, post-secondary education funding, training and employment, community development, clean energy opportunities, environmental stewardship, and health service coordination.
Our History
The North Shore Mi’kmaq Tribal Council (NSMTC) Inc., formerly the North Shore Micmac District Council Inc., was incorporated in 1987 as a not-for-profit entity to provide advisory and technical assistance to its member First Nations. Initially, this assistance was limited to finance, capital works projects, community economic development, and band governance. The organization has since expanded to include post-secondary education, health services, housing inspection services, social resources, and aquatic resource management, as well as other contracted services.
The NSMTC primarily services seven Member Nation communities - Ugpi'ganjig (Eel River Bar) First Nation, Oinpegitjoig (Pabineau) First Nation, Natoaganeg (Eel Ground) First Nation, Metepenagiag (Red Bank) Mi'kmaq Nation, L'nui Menikuk (Indian Island) First Nation, Tjipõgtõtjg (Buctouche) First Nation, and Amlamgog (Fort Folly) First Nation. Additionally, the NSMTC extends its services and capacity to as many as 25 other First Nation communities across Atlantic Canada.
The North Shore Mi'kmaq Tribal Council is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of Chiefs from our seven Member Nations. This board is chaired by Natoaganeg First Nation Chief George Ginnish. Organizational operations are conducted by General Manager Jim Ward, who oversees the NSMTC’s ever-expanding staff.